/ Video - The Time is Now: Live Your Mission of Creating an Inclusive School Community | Ravenna Solutions

The Time is Now: Live Your Mission of Creating an Inclusive School Community

We know that achieving diversity in your school is a continuous goal for you and your staff. The importance of an inclusive school community is likely at the top of your priority list, yet many technology solutions for schools lack the ability to help support these goals.

At least, until you meet Ravenna.

Ravenna’s unique admissions capabilities enable schools to accommodate diverse families and track diversity in their admissions funnel from inquiry all the way to application in ways that other software can’t. Learn how to:

  • Leverage reports to hone in on how diverse your applicant funnel is and where there’s opportunity to grow 
  • Evaluate if and at what point candidates stall in your process and ways Ravenna can help you close the gap 
  • Compare how your funnel diversity is compared to other private and independent schools in your region 
  • Be inclusive of all families with support for complex family relationships in your application and enrollment process 
  • Reach families you may not have appealed to before and simplify their process for applying to your school