/ How Technology Can Impact K-12 Admissions | Ravenna Solutions

How Technology Can Impact K-12 Admissions

May 26, 2022 | read

Unlike higher education institutions, many K-12 schools don’t use technology to its full potential to aid classroom learning or manage their admissions processes. But enrollment and student retention are top priorities for K-12 schools, and four in 10 schools intend to increase investment in technology and analytics.

Ravenna Solutions analyzed school admissions data to help your school foster learning and streamline admissions processes. Let’s learn more about technology’s impact on private and independent school admissions.


Seven out of 10 schools interviewed have a dedicated enrollment staff. To streamline the application process and free up valuable time, some schools have adopted artificial intelligence (AI) like website chatboxes and virtual assistants to foster easier ways of connecting with potential students. However, many schools still believe they aren’t using their technology to its fullest potential.

K-12 schools can use this approach as a benchmark for addressing their admissions process. Some families find the application process daunting or confusing, so using technology to free up enrollment staff’s limited time to dedicate to families will streamline the admissions process — especially if they do not have a large enrollment team.

An admissions enrollment software program can free up time and resources for managing applications. Doing so will allow enrollment specialists to communicate and build relationships with potential students and their families.


Research has shown that exposing students to those with different backgrounds, including the unique challenges this exposure brings, improves cognitive skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving. For this reason, many K-12 schools have taken the initiative to foster an inclusive learning environment.

To do so, schools have focused on diversifying their student population. They’ve also concentrated on training staff in diversity and inclusion, with four in 10 schools hosting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and community groups for parents, faculty, and students.

To reach a diverse group of students, schools have targeted their outreach initiatives by improving their social and web presence. Some schools have cultivated their efforts by hiring DEI directors — currently, only 27% of schools employ a full-time DEI director.

Admissions and enrollment technology can help admissions teams find and foster relationships with families from different regions and make their schools more affordable with flexible payment solutions.

Student Retention

Nine out of 10 schools interviewed reported their number of students recently increased or stayed the same, displaying a desire for private and independent schooling amongst families.

Many families also prioritize enrolling their children in private and independent schools for hybrid schooling — especially as many public schools were underprepared for the abrupt shift to online learning. Improved classroom environments will encourage students to stay enrolled.

Contact Ravenna Solutions to Streamline Admissions Processes

K-12 schools can leverage the power of technology with the help of Ravenna Solutions. We offer a comprehensive suite of enrollment software for private and independent K-12 schools. We’ll help you improve efficiency and accessibility with automated processing specially designed for admissions professionals.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with school admission rates. Sign up for our upcoming webinar on The Power of Harness Technology in the K-12 Student Lifecycle!

Nina Bernardi

Nina Bernardi

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