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Marketing Ideas to Boost School Admissions

Marketing Ideas to Boost School Admissions

While an independent or private K-12 school’s mission is to provide an exceptional education experience, these institutions also need to generate revenue and earn a profit. Like any enterprise that wishes to thrive and achieve long-term success, independent and...

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The Benefits of Electronic Report Cards and Transcripts

The Benefits of Electronic Report Cards and Transcripts

Why use digital grades? In an increasingly digital world, online solutions are evolving to offer more to users. By adopting the right online tools, your school can drive improvement and better experiences for students, families, teachers, and administrators. ...

Automated Workflows in Education 

Automated Workflows in Education 

Automation is becoming more popular across industries as organizations discover its benefits. Educational institutions can implement these tools for increased organization and efficiency, allowing faculty to support their students, families and teachers. Applications...

Tips for Data Management in Schools

Tips for Data Management in Schools

Data collection is essential when schools want to improve or change direction. Understanding the best practices and resources for data collection can streamline your school's processes. What Kinds of Data Are Available to Educators?  Why Is Data Collection Important...

How to Solve 4 Common Admission Technology Issues 

How to Solve 4 Common Admission Technology Issues 

Just like a well-worn pair of shoes, your admission process may have started off working well for your school—it fit perfectly and matched up well with your needs at the time. Over time, as your school has evolved, it has become clear that you are outgrowing your...

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